• What is an Empath?

    An “Empath” is a person with the ability to “tune in” to the emotions of another person, place, thing or animal. The degree to which this is developed varies from person to person. Empaths usually have quite vivid and active imaginations. Often times, it is a challenge for empaths to function in society if they are unaware that they have this sensitivity. They can tend to be loners, deemed socially awkward, eccentric, or “too sensitive”. Most empaths have no idea that they possess this gift - yes, it’s a gift. A superpower, if you will. Instead of this gift being cultivated and encouraged, more often than not, it is ridiculed or dismissed, leaving the Empath believing something is “wrong” with them. It is not unusual for an Empath to resort to substance abuse to quiet the constant assault of emotions, simply because they don’t know how to mute the volume…the intensity of what they sense.

  • What is an “Indigo”.

    An Indigo is a term used when referring to or describing adults and children with certain, pronounced characteristics and personality traits. They usually have very expressive eyes. Their thoughts are ““written all over their face” Theoretically, the term refers to the color of the 6th chakra (third eye) and a person who has a tendency toward intuitive personality traits. Indigo’s are Lightworkers and Spiritual Warriors present on Earth as a result of prayers for positive changes to our planet. These “Earth Angels” are often born to speak out for and defend truth and justice.

  • What is an Intuitive?

    An intuitive is someone who has the ability to understand or know something without any direct evidence or reasoning process. Psychics are intuitive. So are mothers (and fathers) when they know you’re lying. Intuitive’s have very active and vivid imaginations.

Here’s where we come in.

While a lot of what I’ve said can apply to anyone who comes to us for hypnosis…these individuals take what was said to them very much to heart, more so than others and these beliefs need to be corrected to pave the way for any other changes they would like to make.

 Before that can even happen, we need to engage their superpower…. their imagination by doing a visualization, to give them a tool to protect themselves in situations they may find troublesome.