The Akashic Records are an energetic record of the journeys of your soul, broken down into each individual lifetime including but not limited to past lives. 

 In a reading, issues such as ancestral patterns that no longer serve our highest good, life purpose and path, guides, loved ones who have crossed over as well Ascended Masters and Angels are all brought together to help assist and encourage you to be your best. 

 The messages "your team" have for you are always imparted with love, sometimes humor and always seem to be timely and on point. An Akashic Record Reading gives you a glimpse behind the veil to remind you of what your soul knows only too well: You are Loved, You are Perfect, You are Not Alone and without your presence in this world, the magnificent tapestry called Life on Earth would be incomplete. 

 Come, see for yourself and see yourself through the eyes of the heavenly team who has been helping you, encouraging you and imparting wisdom, silently, since before you were born. 


What is the Akashic Record Reading Process at Sparrow Center for Spirit?

The Akashic Record Reading process at Sparrow Center for Spirit works much like a natural conversation. Kathy accesses the records using your full legal name and birthdate and then uses the Pathway Prayer Process after that information is given. The reading normally takes 60 minutes. Most questions do get answered but there are times when certain answers are not given.

Come, see for yourself and see yourself through the eyes of the heavenly team who has been helping you, encouraging you and imparting wisdom, silently, since before you were born.