Back to School Mindset

September 2022

Fall and back to school time always seems to bring with it the opportunity to reinvent yourself; to step outside the box a bit. That first day of school was an invitation to debut a new and improved version of yourself. While it may have felt like new shoes, new pencils and notebooks made all the difference, it was really your mindset that made you different…better. Your mindset, vastly different than the one you had just a few months before, when summer fun was all you could think of, now turned to something new with laser focus.

Some of us are many years beyond new shoes and pencils in September but we are not beyond  freshening up our mindset. Think about how fun it would be to just tweak some mind settings from “why” to “why not?” I invite you, for just the month of September, to create a new mindset. It can be just the thing you need to begin the wonderful journey to becoming your best self. No matter what age you might be, pick something, one thing that you’ve been putting off and DO IT! You can be as creative as you’d like but choose something good, fun. Let your soul out to play a little! Accept my invitation to be passionate and excited about doing something or changing something that you’ve always wanted to do or change.

Now is the time! Don’t think about it so much that you talk yourself out of it. It could be as simple as doing 10 minutes of yoga each day or going for a 20 minute walk. Maybe it is buying those new shoes that give you some spring in your step or taking a painting class. Your soul knows about the things you’ve always wished to do but never quite found the time or energy. Now is that time. 

Send me an email at and let me know what you chose and how it’s going; or share your choice and experience on my Facebook page so you can help inspire others! Fall in love with fall and your new mindset!


The Road to Sparrow Center for Spirit